2010年电气论坛第31次活动--Dr. Kin P.Cheung的学术报告


2010年电气论坛第31次活动--Dr. Kin P.Cheung的学术报告
Characterizing the advanced MOSFET
 Speaker: Dr. Kin P.Cheung
Semiconductor Electronics Division
National Institute of Standards & Technology
 主讲人: Dr. Kin P.Cheung
报告地点:玉泉校区 电机工程楼201
This talk will give a brief description of the research program at NIST that is related to semiconductor devices, and the Foreign Guest Researcher opportunity. I will then describe some of our recent efforts to address some of the pressing measurement issues facing the semiconductor industry. Specifically, I will discuss the recent advance in wafer-level geometric magnetoresistance method of measuring channel mobility of ultra-scaled device. An important advantage is that mobility can be extracted directly from a single ultra-short channel device without the need for questionable assumptions that plague many of the mobility extraction methods. This user-friendly method sets the stage for investigating the origin of mobility degradation in ultra-short channel devices. I will also discuss a surprisingly simple method to extract series resistance - a new limiting factor in advanced CMOS. I will then turn to the problem of profiling defects in advanced gate stack. I will show that the two most popular methods, namely frequency-dependent charge pumping and low frequency noise, are both seriously misunderstood. I will argue that neither of these techniques can be used for defect depth profiling.
Dr. Kin P. Cheung, obtained Ph.D. degree in physical chemistry from the New York University in 1983. From 83 to 85 he was a post doc at Bell Laboratories during which he pioneered Terahertz Spectroscopy. From 1985 to 2001 he was a member of technical staff in Bell Laboratories at Murray Hill. From 2001 to 2006, He was an associate professor at Rutgers University. He is currently a project leader at the National Institute of Standards & Technology, Semiconductor Electronics Division.
Dr. Cheung published over 150 refereed journal and conference papers. He authored a book on plasma charging damage, a book chapter and edited three conference proceedings. He served in the committee of a number of international conferences and has given tutorial in 10 international conferences. His area of interest covers VLSI technology/devices, and MEMS/NEMS. He is an editor of the IEEE Transaction on Device & Material Reliability. He chairs the Reliability sub-working group of the Process-Integration, Devices and Structures Technical Working Group of the International Technology Roadmap for Semiconductor (ITRS).