2015年电气论坛第12次活动-Science, Technology and Industry in 21st Century


讲 座 通 知


讲座题目:Science, Technology and Industry in 21st Century

讲座人:  Prof.  Okyay Kaynak

时间:    2015730日下午3:30

地点:    beat365官网入口玉泉校区 电机工程楼 201



Okyay Kaynak 教授于1972年获英国伯明翰大学电气工程博士学位,现为 Bogazici University 电气与电子工程系全职教授,联合国教科文组织 (UNESCO) 机电一体化学科主席。Okyay Kaynak 教授是IEEE Fellow, IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics 主编。曾任IEEE Industrial Electronics Society 主席。



This presentation discusses the profound technological changes that have taken place during the last 2 decades, the main characteristics being erosion and convergence. It is pointed out that the advances are at the edge of traditional disciplines and the connections between different disciplines are becoming the core of the new technologies, in a not multi, not inter but a transdisciplinary manner. It is argued that convergence fuels convergence and results in emergence. Four distinct phases of industrial revolution, culminating in Industrie 4.0 are discussed. The emerging paradigms of big data and cyber physical systems, supported by new disruptive advances both on software and hardware side, as well as the cross-fertilization of concepts and the amalgamation of information, communication and control technology driven approaches are pointed out to. Finally, the changes observed in the industry are pointed out to, together with the paradigm change from industrial electronics to industrial informatics.

