

地点: 教二  405

Title1:  Towards Better Power Electronic Building Blocks

主讲人:Braham Ferreira                 President IEEE Power Electronics Society


Power Electronics inherited the circuit assembly technology that established itself in the 1960s and 1970s to build analogue circuits on printed circuit boards using discrete components. At low power levels the converters can conveniently be built on a single PCBs, and at large power levels,  multiple of PCBs are used while semiconductor switches and passive components get individual mechanical assemblies. This method of building power electronics has been improved and adapted through the years, but has not changed much.

In view of the growing market, large production and the demand for more miniaturization and higher performance, enough incentives exist to reinvent the methods for manufacturing and assembling power electronic converters. A three prong approach is proposed:

-          An inside-out design approach to get the maximum benefit from the extremely fast switching transients of new wide bandgap devices (SiC and GaN).  These transistors and diodes should not be used as drop-in replacements; the converter should be moulded around these properties.

-          Building up the required power, voltage and current ratings by using converter modules. A narrow rating of modules makes it possible to standardize the production process and increases the volume per production run.

Adapt the surface mount technology based automated production of electronic circuits so that it can be used to build power electronic converters. The Power Sandwich approach will be presented that makes it possible to build circuits in three dimensions.

About the speaker:

Braham Ferreira received his B.Sc., M.Sc. and PhD in electrical engineering from the Rand Afrikaans University, Johannesburg, South Africa, in 1980, 1982 and 1988 respectively.  Since 1998 he is holding the chair in Power electronics and Electrical Machines at the Delft University of Technology in The Netherlands and served as head of the Department during 2006-2010. Dr. Ferreira is author and co-author of 100 journal and transactions papers, 300 conference papers and 15 patents, and was awarded 15 prize paper awards. He is a Fellow of the IEEE. 


IEEE Activies – South Africa Joint IAS/PELS/PES/IES chapter, chair (1993-6);  South Africa Section, chair (1991-2);  IEEE representative on SAIEE Council (1992-7); IEEE AFRICON ’96, technical program chairman; IAS Power Electronic Devices and Components committee, chair (1998-9); Benelux Joint IAS/PELS chapter, founding chair  (1999 – 2001); PELS Transactions, associate editor (2000-present); PELS AdCom member-at large( 1999-2005);  PELS treasurer (2005-2010); PELS Vice-President Meetings (2011- 4); PELS President (2015-6).

Other activities – Dutch Representative on the Executive Council of the European Power Electronic Association [EPE](1999 – 2002, 2007-2010); Dutch working group CIGRE National Study Committee 14 [ application of power electronics in utilities], chair (1999 – 2002);  FEPPCON, technical program co-chair (2001, 2004, 2009); EPE Solar Energy Chapter, founding chair (2011).


Title2: Design for reliability in power electronic systems

主讲人Frede Blaabjerg         IEEE Fellow,   Editor-in-Chief of  IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics



In recent years, the automotive and aerospace industries have brought stringent reliability constraints on power electronic converters because of safety requirements. Today customers of many power electronic products expect up to 20 years of lifetime and they also want to have a “failure free period” and all with focus on the financials. The renewable energy sectors are also following the same trend, and more and more efforts are being devoted to improving power electronic converters to account for reliability with cost-effective and sustainable solutions. This presentation will introduce the recent progress in the reliability aspect study of power electronic converters for power electronic applications with special focus on renewables. It will cover the following contents: the motivations for highly reliable electric energy conversion in renewable energy systems; the reliability requirements of typical renewable energy systems and its implication on the power electronic converters; failure mechanisms and lifetime models of key power electronic components (e.g., power semiconductor switches, capacitors, and fans); long-term mission profiles in Photovoltaic (PV) and wind power applications and the component level stress analysis; reliability analysis methods, tools, and improvement strategies of power electronic converters for renewable energy systems. A few case studies on PV and wind power based renewable energy systems will also be discussed.

 About the speaker:

Frede Blaabjerg (S’86–M’88–SM’97–F’03) was with ABB-Scandia, Randers, Denmark, from 1987 to 1988. From 1988 to 1992, he was a Ph.D. Student with Aalborg University, Aalborg, Denmark. He became a Full Professor of power electronics and drives in 1998.

His current research interests include power electronics and its applications such as in wind turbines, PV systems, reliability, harmonics and adjustable speed drives. He has published more than 300 journal papers in the fields of power electronics and its applications.

He has received 17 IEEE Prize Paper Awards, the IEEE PELS Distinguished Service Award in 2009, the EPE-PEMC Council Award in 2010, the IEEE William E. Newell Power Electronics Award 2014 and the Villum Kann Rasmussen Research Award 2014. He was the Editor-in-Chief of the IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON POWER ELECTRONICS from 2006 to 2012. He has been  Distinguished Lecturer for the IEEE Power Electronics Society from 2005 to 2007 and for the IEEE Industry Applications Society from 2010 to 2011.

He is nominated in 2014 and 2015 by Thomson Reuters to be between the most 250 cited researchers in Engineering in the world.


Title3:“Some recent research issues related to the large penetration of renewable energy sources in distribution grids”

主讲人:Paolo Mattavelli            IEEE Fellow,    Associate Editor for IEEE Transactions on PE    


The seminar will describe some recent issues related to the large penetration of renewable energy sources in distribution grids. The presentation will initially focus on the unintentional islanding with Photovoltaic (PV) sources due to recently introduced grid codes. Then, the extension of the analysis of stability and interaction based on the small-signal impedance to single-phase systems will be addressed. Finally, a coordinated control between different energy sources to reduce distribution losses will be discussed. Examples with simulation models, real-time simulations and Hardware-in-the-Loop, and small-scale laboratory prototypes will be reported, together with an approach to perform grid-compliance Low-Voltage Ride Through (LVRT) test for wind energy converters using all-electronic wind turbine emulators


About the speaker:

Paolo Mattavelli received the Ph. D. degree in electrical engineering from the University of Padova (Italy) 1995. He is currently (2015) a professor at the University of Padova, leading the Power Electronics Lab. in Vicenza.

His major field of interest includes analysis, modeling and analog and digital control of power converters, grid-connected converters for renewable energy systems and micro-grids, high-temperature and high-power density power electronics. In these research fields, he has been leading several industrial and government projects. 

From 2003 to 2012 he served as an Associate Editor for IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics. From 2005 to 2010 he was the IPCC (Industrial Power Converter Committee) Technical Review Chair for the IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications. For terms 2003-2006, 2006-2009 and 2013-2015 he has been a member-at-large of the IEEE Power Electronics Society’s Administrative Committee. He also received in 2005, 2006, 2011 and 2012 the Prize Paper Award in the IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics and in 2007, the 2nd Prize Paper Award at the IEEE Industry Application Annual Meeting.  He is an IEEE Fellow.